Home Interiors Catalog January 2022

THE SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES IN THE CATALOG DO NOT INCLUDE TAXES, SHIPPING OR HANDLING. A. 41177 TABLE LAMP "LEONOR" Varnished. Hand Painted. Detailed. Electric. Assembly Required. Metal, Ceramic and Polyester. 11 4/5 x23" each : $ 194.99 B. 41185 WAX WARMER "BABRA" Use Wax cubes. Electric. Glass and Metal. 4 5/7 x6 2/3 " each : $ 54.99 C. 41182 WALL SCONCE "VIENA" Golden. Handmade. Use Pillar Candles. Metal and Crystal. 4 5/7 x8 1/4 x13" each : $ 109.99 D. 41178 DECORATIVE PILLOW "LORI" 100% Polyester. Embroidered details. Fabric. 15 3/4 " each : $ 47.99 (Shown Two) E. 41180 DECORATIVE PILLOW "IRMA" 100% Polyester. Fabric. 5 1/8 x12 4/5 x6" each : $ 39.99 F. 41174 MIRROR "LYS" Golden. Handmade Metal and Mirror. 23 5/8 x31 1/2 " each : $ 244.99 "Decorating with soft textiles and finish that reflect light creates a balance between creativity and elegance, ideal for creating a cozy atmosphere". Llen de romanticismo hasta l último rincon de tu Hogar con Acc orios en Oro y Oro Rosa. SAYS Llena de romanticismo hasta el último rincon de tu Hogar con Accesorios en Oro y Oro Rosa. SAYS A E C B D